Friday 27 January 2012

A Whole New Culture- Part 2

Travelling in Japan for the past two weeks have been an eye opener for me. The most prominent thing I have noticed is the friendliness of the locals. They are so courteous and respectful to everyone. I bet it must be hard to be always that well-mannered.

This was at a public onsen(hot spring) for your feet. The ladies who asked me to sit with them after seeing me burning in pain decided to join me for a photo.

I have been very lucky with having two friends who live in Japan. They were able to take me to awesome restaurants, cafes and even meeting the locals. Thanks again Carl and Sam!

I've covered Kobe, Osaka, Kyoto and Yamasaki with my two weeks in Japan. It was interesting to see how each city was different in terms of architecture, specialities and atmosphere.

My first main highlight with Japan would definitely be the food. There is such a huge variety of food to try as you can see from the pictures I have taken. I can't name half of them but the food was de-li-cious! I have to say that my favourite dish was the 'Chirashi bowl' (Thanks to Diana for giving me a name to the dish) which consisted of a variety of Sashimi on rice. Can you find it in the picture?

Another highlight for me coming to Japan would be the picturesque surroundings; both urban and natural. I'm a big fan of architecture, and Japan didn't disappoint me. When you think of architecture, people would automatically think of tall skyscrapers. However, in Japan, the quaint and distinct houses and short buildings are the standouts. I was just looking through my pictures and just realised I didn't take a lot of  the buildings but these will have to do for now...

As odd as it seems, my favourite town after all of the places I visited had to be the country town Yamasaki. Not only was I able to spend time on my own exploring this small town, it was my first time ever to experience fresh snow! I still remember standing on top of this hill looking at the whole town and when I turned around, these small white specks started floating down towards me.

I have to say that this trip will definitely be very hard to beat. I'm really blessed to see such a beautiful country and it has made me realised how big this world actually is. I will be back!

My next post will be on Kuching and it's amazing food, and of course Jo and Hieng Chiong's wedding!


di said...

i only got around to reading your blog today! i can't believe it was not so long ago when you asked me about chirashi at my house. now we're so far apart *sob sob* what's the difference between snow in uk and japan?

Jaso said...

Yes I still remember that and I did attempt to make it in Gero (I was brave enough to make one for my housemate).
I though snow was universal? I guess unless you are in a really polluted city?

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