Thursday 11 July 2013

The Challenges of Surprises

"Why are you back?" was the common question people asked after I have just surprised them.
So why am I back in Perth and how did the surprises go? Well originally I planned to move back to Perth in November, but since Sam and Carl decided to move to London and decided to become my awesome housemates then I thought why not? I'm now moving back for good at the end of February next year which isn't too far away. Since I bought a return ticket, I had to use my ticket before the year ended. I chose to come back in July for family reasons but also to avoid having to choose which of 3 weddings I had to come back for. Since the three weddings are of close friends and span from September to November, I have decided to go to none of them (which was a hard choice).

As much as I like being surprised, implementing one is another story and I swear I will not organise another one in the near future... 
So after deciding to come back for a visit months ago, I decided to set up a surprise visit without letting anyone know. Boy was it hard! I decided to ask my best mate Sam to be my imposter which he happily agreed to as part of my 'devious' plan. First action was for someone to pick me up from the airport- So my sis was the first to be chosen for the surprise. However, when I asked if she could pick up 'Sam', she refused as she had a dinner dance. Fail! So who else would be willing to pick up Sam? Amanda it was. But when 'Sam' asked her, she said it was going to be hard as she had to work that night I arrived. Fortunately, as the awesome friend she was, she decided to rush from work to pick 'Sam' up. 
With that sorted, I got Sam to get my mate Spencer to organise a surprise dinner with close friends, not knowing that it will eventually bite me back in the butt...

So the time comes when I arrive in Perth, wishfully thinking Amanda was going to be waiting for me outside arrivals. Arriving shortly after midnight, I landed and came out of the gates looking for Amanda to be surprised. As I came out, she was nowhere to be seen. I was thinking, maybe she was just parking. As I continued to wait, I started to worry and knew that I wasn't able to contact her to avoid spoiling the surprise. I ended up withholding my caller ID and pretended I was calling from London worried that 'Sam' wasn't being picked up. That resulted in me talking to her voicemail... In the end, she arrived and gave me a weird look when she realised it wasn't Sam she was picking up... 

I had to surprise over ten people and most of them were on separate occasions, so I won't discuss each of them in detail. However, one of the more memorable ones were hiding in the kitchen to surprise my dad, even though he took ages to come into the house. The hug from him was worth it though, especially when he isn't the type to hug. Another highlight was when I surprised Therese in the city. Seeing that she was sitting on a bench with her phone, I sneaked up and sat next to her. When she found out it was me, she screamed out loud, causing everyone to look over and see what the commotion was about. 

Any failed attempts? Yes! First one was when my dad decided to tell my sister when he saw her at work. Her response was, "ummm... I don't think you we're suppose to let me know...". 
The second was Spencer and Sophie. Spence contacted Sam when he supposedly arrived on Sunday. After several failed attempts, he apparently started piecing together the clues: 1) Jason has not updated his Facebook status since Friday 2) What was this 'devious' plan that Jason had mentioned on Facebook 3)Let's confirm it by saying 'welcome back' on Facebook. The last one got me; having someone ask me that, I replied by asking what he was on about. The stupid me forgot that Facebook reveals where your message was sent from...

To sum things up, the surprise was a success, minus the two failed attempts. I really enjoyed it, but this organised surprise will be the last one I will do in a while!


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